Responsible Marketing-Change In Modern Customer Expectations

In today’s era, brands need to maintain a balance between a variety of dimensions to retain their edge. One of the newer metrics coming to the fore is to focus on creating value for society at large. As per a new report, 68% of customers trust companies to act with society’s best interest in mind.

This isn’t just restricted to a single marketing campaign or CSR activity, rather needs to happen at the product and marketing level. Research shows that 78% of customers say environmental practices influence their decision to buy from a company. The pandemic and the brand’s response to it have also played a major role in shaping consumer perception.

Brands are actively incorporating responsible marketing in order to win consumer trust. It involves addressing social, ethical and environmental aspects while creating value.

Let us look at some of the top trends around responsible marketing which organizations are adopting.

1. Data Protection


Since data is now a valuable resource for businesses, there are many ways for it to be abused or stolen. Building consumer confidence in the security of their data can contribute to trust-building and maintaining positive user experiences. Organizations should strive to work toward offering consumers with data privacy and protection as an increasing number of customers base their decision of brands on how they treat data protection.

Apple has always been vocal about its efforts to provide the industry’s best care and practices to protect the data and privacy of its consumers. The data protection technology by the Apple Security Platform provides high level encryption for the user data.

2. Ethical Marketing


Consumers, in addition to the effect brands’ operations have on them, have become more cognizant of the social and economic impact on society at large. They tend to support businesses that give them a platform to contribute to their causes and do not mind paying a premium for these brands’ products and services.

Zomato allows its consumers to add money towards its Feed India Program with every order. Though this monetary contribution is by the consumer, Zomato’s initiative of involving its audience helps build a connection with them. ITC too contributes a small amount every time Classmate notebooks are purchased. They mention it on their products and thank the consumer for helping them in this cause, thus making consumers feel valued and a part of the brand in a larger capacity.

3. Sustainable Marketing

Regardless of whether a cause is required by the government through CSR or not, brands today advocate sustainability. Working for the environment, either through marketing campaigns or product offerings helps make a difference that is recognised by the customers and helps to increase their trust in the business.

IKEA has made significant investments in all of its business operations, with a focus on buying wood from responsible loggers. Their brand value has greatly improved as a result of this endeavour and has received a lot of support.

As consumers get more conscious about their choices, it is imperative that brands start recognising the value that the adoption of responsible Marketing brings with it. In order to win in the marketplace, brands should continuously adapt and adapt to win consumer trust through Responsible Marketing.

Read more about how digital tools and technology can help organizations unlock their potential.
