Tips To Build Your Organisation’s Digital Capacity

Consumer expectation from digital is increasing daily as the world moves online. In fact, 87 percent of marketing professionals predict that user expectations will grow even faster over the next two years. To keep up with these ever-growing user needs and stay relevant in an increasingly digital world, businesses must evaluate their current strategies and make adopting digital technologies their top priority. What often goes unnoticed is that improving digital capacity usually involves making changes that don’t seem directly related to digital software and technologies even though digital capacity is limited to the consumer front.

Here are some key steps that an organization can employ to improve its digital capacity:

1. Making use of digital technology to read data

Data analysis and interpretation is an essential aspect in every field. Understanding data is vital if you want to create a better customer experience. There’s a lot of technology available to help analyze and interpret all your data. By combining and analyzing operational and customer experience data available, you can understand the human factor behind your customers’ experience and create a better customer journey. This data allows you to understand and predict customer behavior.

2. Improving Customer Experience

In this day and age, cutting-edge technologies such as chatbots, notifications, and personalization can be used to connect with customers in more meaningful ways. Once science fiction, these technologies are now part of the everyday shopping experience. There are already companies out there today revolutionizing customer experience with such tools.

Today, 71 percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions—and 76 percent will switch if they don’t like their experience

3. Increasing employee productivity

Increasing digital capacity isn’t just essential on the consumer front. Employing the latest available digital tools within the workplace is also important for success. For example, the ability to share files and communicate with each other is a basic function for employees, yet it is also the most common workplace productivity killer. Despite being available for several years, file-sharing & communication technology is still not being used in many businesses. Such modern tools make it easy to track changes and maintain backups. This way, employees can increase their productivity by focusing their time on critical thinking. 

By leveraging the latest technology and innovation, a business can create value. Digital technologies enhance businesses at multiple levels.

  1. Customer Acquisition: They enable you to study data better, identify the target customers better, and increase your reach to those potential customers like never before.
  2. Workplace Productivity: The right technologies implemented in the workplace increase employee productivity, letting them focus on the actual problem. 
  3. Customer Experience: Intelligent use of technologies enhance customer experiences, not just making them happy customers, but returning customers, growing your company.

Adopting digital technologies is essential for a new company to thrive. Failure to adopt new technologies might harm earnings in addition to lowering sales. Additionally, once a trend has begun, it can be challenging to stop it. Successful enterprises are embracing digital capabilities to create digital workplaces. Ultimately, digital tools enable businesses to increase productivity and quality.

Read more about how digital tools and technology can help organisations unlock their potential.